Showcasing Markbook Online
Our new markbook that works almost anywhere.

Allow teachers to simultaneously share and open the same markbook. Editing and viewing results at any time.

Markbooks are stored online and cannot be lost or corrupted, and are automatically backed up.

Work on mobile devices and on the desktop. Android, iOS, macOS and Windows are all supported.
Welcome to Scott McDonald Personal Computer Services
We has been producing software for teachers like you, and your school for over 30 years.
We produce the SM-Marks and SM-Reports software which cover your markbook/gradebook, reporting and timetabling needs.

We believe that time saving productivity software
can be affordable.
By concentrating on markbook and reporting solutions we
have built up an extensive list of clients. Demonstrating that
we solve real problems with effective and proven software systems
Markbook Online Free Trial
No obligation 90 day trial for your school
Register and discover the convenience of an online markbook that is 100% compatible with SM-Marks.
What Do Our Clients Say?
An unsolicited comment we received by email.
“I think the program is great and I really enjoy using it.
It has made life easier with all staff having access to enter their own marks.”
Markbook Online User